I think he was thinking that he was going to die or kill someone that he might have landed the plane on. Also that he was so lucky that he even did survive.
This is currently my 8th school year at PVMS. We moved here from South Dakota. I was born in Freeman, SD and lived in Yankton until we moved here. My parents spend half the year in SD, and go south to Arizona for the winter. The winters are much colder and longer in SD than here in Kansas. My older brother Brian lives in Sioux Falls, SD and sells insurance.
I have been married for 15 year, to my husband Bill. We have one child Drew. He is a 6th grader.
I think he was thinking about his parents. That they are not together and would be worried about him.
he was probly thinking he was going to die. because hes young and he pilot is uncouncas and he has to land the plan by himself
i think he was thinkin he waz goin to die nd not survive the crash.
i think he was thinking that he would die and not survive.
he was probably thinking oh my gosh im so lucky i could have died!!!
i think he was thinking that he was supose to be dead at that time,and thinking of what to do while he's there.
He was thinking about his parents divorcing.
haluluh or maybe thank you god! for letting me live!
I think he thought he was going to crash and not survive
I think he was thinking that he was going to die or kill someone that he might have landed the plane on. Also that he was so lucky that he even did survive.
well he was worried because he doesnt think that he will survive and his perents and scared that wat if an animal kills him
so true
brenda H because wat if the mom blames it on the dad
I am going to die!
iM gOinG tO DiEEEE!!!!!!!!!=0
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